Saturday, 26 April 2014

The Difference Between Early Childhood And Primary Education

Early childhood education and elementary education are two interrelated phases,
  • Early Childhood Education is a non- compulsory education, while primary education is compulsory. Compulsory education with the mandatory, universal and other features that make each school-age children to receive compulsory education is compulsory schools, parents and the community. Therefore, parents must have school-age children in order to attend primary school education.

  •  Early childhood education and primary education are both aim to teach, early childhood education for children in addition to a comprehensive and harmonious development of elementary education, it also adds to the care and upbringing of the children. Primary education will have to be based on certain training objectives and curriculum standards for the child purposeful, planned moral, intellectual, physical and other comprehensive education for sustainable development. Each course has a clear and specific teaching objectives and teaching requirements.
  •  Early childhood programs and elementary school curriculum -based programs are comprehensive, but early childhood education has the integration of the relative degree of primary and secondary education is much deeper, much greater intensity, because children need in most part of the world is initially general basic understanding. Kindergarten curriculum mainly has five areas: health, language, social, scientific and artistic. The primary school curriculum has relatively more: mathematics, science, foreign languages, comprehensive practical activities, sports, arts or music and so on.

  •  Play-based early childhood education focuses on children in the game to learn and experience at the event, while Primary education places focus on classroom teaching. In addition to the form of teaching teachers taught, they should also attaches great importance to allow students to observe, think, operate, explore, and discuss other ways to express knowledge and learning ability.

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